Exclusive Interview with Wesley Adams Cook

  • June 27, 2024

Exclusive Interview with Wesley Adams Cook

SMASH Magazine: What inspired you to start creating music, and how did you develop your unique sound?

Wesley Adams Cook: I mean with such childhood hits like Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Wheels on the Bus, how could I have NOT gone into music? I have yet to meet a woman who hasn’t swooned when I played her Old McDonald Had A Farm, and honestly who’s gonna walk away from that kind of power?
SMASH Magazine: Can you describe your songwriting process? How do you come up with lyrics and melodies?
Wesley Adams Cook: Rubbing myself down with castor oil and barking at the moon has proven to be the most effective. When that fails, I just go down to the local Elementary School and shake kids down for songs. You’d be amazed at what a couple of candy bars can get you from the 7 and under crowd.
SMASH Magazine: Which artists have influenced your music the most, and why?

Wesley Adams Cook: Ug and Gug. The first two Neanderthals to bang rocks together and grunt in a pseudo-form of unison that would be similar to listening to a Picasso. They were truly ahead of their time. 

SMASH Magazine: How do you balance your creative vision with the expectations of your record label or management team?

Wesley Adams Cook: I have a record label?

SMASH Magazine: Tell us about your favorite song you've created so far and the story behind it.
Wesley Adams Cook: It’s a song I titled, “Send Me Your Tax Returns So I Can Make Another Album.” 
SMASH Magazine: How do you handle criticism and negative feedback about your work?

Wesley Adams Cook: 
Mainly with a bazooka. I find it to be the most effective of responses. 
SMASH Magazine: What role does live performance play in your career, and how do you prepare for a show?

Wesley Adams Cook: 
A great amount. Once a week I show up at the Pepsi Center to perform, where I have become known among the staff as an “unknown entity” and “threat to security”. It has truly helped me build my reputation amongst the Denver police force.
SMASH Magazine: How do you stay connected with your fans, and what's the most memorable fan interaction you've had?

Wesley Adams Cook: 
I stay connected to them strictly through a long series of avoidance. One can’t cancel what one can’t find.
SMASH Magazine: How do you handle the pressures of the music industry, and what advice would you give to aspiring artists?

Wesley Adams Cook: 
Full contact musical chairs. What is my advice to aspiring artists? 厕所在哪里. 
SMASH Magazine: What are your future goals and aspirations as a music artist, and how do you plan to achieve them?

Wesley Adams Cook: 
To be a major fast food proprietor, owner and operator in all large concert venues across the globe. I’ll call it Voodoo Chicken: Eat Our Chicken Or Else… Music is really just something I do to pay for that dream. 
